Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pregnancy: Tooth Care for Two

The Do’s and Don’ts:
Do tell your dentist as soon as possible if you believe you are pregnant.

Don’t skip visits. Regular visits will help minimize plaque build-up, identify decay, localize infection and prevent periodontal disease.

Do rinse frequently, especially if morning sickness occurs.

Do postpone major dental treatment during your first trimester (with the exception of regular checkups and hygiene visits). The baby develops most during this time.

Do maintain a healthy diet with sufficient amounts of nutrients-especially calcium, protein, phosphorous and vitamins A, C and D. This will affect the development of the unborn child in a positive way.

Don’t wait if you have a dental emergency! According to the American Dental Association, untreated dental infections can pose a risk to the fetus, and dental treatment may be necessary to maintain the health of the mother and the child. If x-rays are needed, the dentist will take precautions to minimize exposure to Radiation

Don’t be alarmed with changes in your mouth. You may experience symptoms of dysgeusia (changing tastebuds) or ptyalism (excessive saliva).